- 然后,在去除最高和最低的利率值之后,计算得出询价结果的平均值。
- The results were then averaged , with the top and bottom rates thrown out .
- 从底部让它竖起来。
- Put the bottom straight up .
- 政府的社会保障网络阻止了收入底层的崩溃。
- The government safety net prevented a collapse at the bottom .
- 但就象为降低库存会加深衰退一样,增加库存也会促进经济的复苏。
- But just as the downswing of the inventory cycle deepened the recession , the upswing has boosted the recovery .
- 专家们已开始承认,过去通常对于双相的理解,认为这种疾病有两个独立的阶段的观点可能不完整。
- Experts have begun to acknowledge that the common understanding of bipolar illness , once thought to be a disorder with two distinct phases ( a manic upswing and a depressive downswing ) , may be incomplete .
- 房屋市场的衰落趋势或许尚未结束,而且其疲软状态会促使消费者提高原本处在极低水平的储蓄率,这会降低需求。
- The housing market 's downswing may not yet be over ; and its weakness could prompt consumers to increase their ultra-low saving rates , cutting into demand .