- 在某种程度上,你已经从三轮自行车下来,不再仅仅相信你所看见的。
- At some point you 've got to get off the tricycle of only believing in what you can see .
- 直到我当上总统,他才将我抱出三轮自行车,放到了一个敞蓬货车中。
- It wasn 't until I became president that he took me off the tricycle and put me in a pickup truck .
- 邓禄普(johnboyddunlop)来说则是充气轮胎之年,这起初是他为儿子的三轮脚踏车发明的。
- For john boyd dunlop it was the year of the pneumatic tyre , originally invented for his son 's tricycle .
- 于化玲蹬着旧三轮去收废品,但是辛苦了几小时收了一车的废品却只换来3元钱。
- For hours she rides an old trishaw collecting garbage , but earns only 3 yuan for a fully-loaded cart .
- 黄昏中坐着三轮车去葡萄牙村吃海鲜。
- At dusk , heading for portuguese square on a trishaw for a seafood feast .