- 虽然结婚两次并有3个子女,与他关系最亲密的似乎是一只黑猩猩和一个接一个的小男孩。
- Though twice married and with three children , his closest relationships appeared to be with a chimpanzee and a succession of young boys .
- 中式菜谱英译策略的选择主要受到三组关系的影响,它们分别是概念定名与概念阐释、菜品物质与餐饮文化、异化翻译与归化翻译之间的关系。
- The choice of strategies for the translation of chinese menus is governed by three major relationships : that is between the conceptualization and the interpretation of each dish course , between the dish material and the menu culture and between the domesticating and the foreignising translations .
- 在植物植食性昆虫寄生蜂三级营养关系链中,寄生蜂的行为常常受到其他两营养级的作用。
- In three levels of trophic relationships of plant herbivore natural enemy , parasitic wasps were often subject to being affected by the other two trophic levels .