- 后来,当地人告诉我,“你必须什么都会做才能维持生计,木工,捕鱼,挖蛤蜊,摘蓝莓必须样样精通。”
- " You have to be a jack-of-all-trades up here , " a local later told me . " Got to do some carpentry , fishing , digging for clams and picking blueberries to make ends meet . "
- 他是个三脚猫--杂而不精。
- He is a jack-of-all-trades and master of none .
- 那个万能博士知道很多关于军火生意,德清上柏家园休闲农庄,银行业,酒店业和旅游业的事情。
- That jack-of-all-trades knows alot about the arms trade , the banking trade , the hotel trade and the tourist trade .
- 尽管这样,联邦监管也不是万能药。
- Nonetheless , federal regulation is no panacea .
- 组建新政府并不是什么万灵药。
- A new government would be no panacea .
- 没人会把dhea或npy当做治疗ptsd的万能药。
- No one expects dhea or npy to be a panacea for ptsd .