- 一名前保险公司企业宣传副主席同时也是试图质疑《精神病人》备忘录的作者最近在比尔莫亚的节目中承认,摩尔的电影正中要害。
- One former vice president of corporate communications for a health insurance company , and the author of several memos attempting to discredit sicko , recently admitted to bill moyers on camera that moore " hit the nail on the head with his movie . "
- 他说那家公司实际上正面临破产的危机,真是一针见血。
- He hit the nail on the head when he mention that the company is actually facing the danger of bankruptcy .
- 我相信弗洛斯先生用这首诗歌在脑门上刺了一针。
- I believe that mr. frost hit the nail on the head with the poem .
- 让我们爽快些,开门见山吧。
- Let 's be frank and come to the point .
- 他们要等上一会儿才能说到正题。
- Takes them a while to come to the point .
- 咱们不唠叨琐事了,说正事吧。
- Let 's stop discussing trivial details and come to the point .