- 在情节方面,班扬主要采用圣经中的善恶冲突情节,并将其置换为基督徒与外部世界的冲突,以及基督徒与其本我之间的内部冲突。
- In the plot , bunyan mainly adopts the biblical plot of the conflicts between the virtuous and the evil , and transforms the conflicts into two kinds : the obvious conflicts between christian and the outside world and the conflicts between christian and the self .
- 克莱亚并没有那样体面的衬托,它也不比庐山栖贤寺旁的观音桥,上瞰五老奇峰,下临深潭与飞瀑;
- St. clare 's bridge is not so daintily set off as all that . Nor is it comparable to the bridge of the goddess of mercy nestling against the temple of the virtuous on mount lushan commanding a view of the miraculous five-old-men peak overhead and the deep pools and cascading waterfalls below .
- 一度被杰斐逊奉为英雄的农民,昔日俨然是男子汉大丈夫,而今却一落千丈,成了乡下人、庄稼汉、乡巴佬。
- Once the hero of jefferson , the virtuous husbandman , he was the rube , the hick , the hayseed .