- 但是每次在签署吊唁信或是看望正常生活被完全打乱的烈士家属之后,在回家的路上,我总是感受到伴随荣耀而来的庄严的职责。
- But with that honor comes a solemn responsibility one that gets driven home every time I sign a condolence letter , or meet a family member whose life has been turned upside down .
- 看来你和家人之间中断的交流正在恢复,你能够谈论那些几天前还很迷茫不确定的事情。
- It seems as if a break in communication between you and a family member is coming full circle and you are able to talk about things that seemed unapproachable only a couple of days ago .
- 但是,今年,我已经应对了一位密友的癌症以及一位家人的过逝,所以我了解看着心爱的人历经往返医院、经受疾病诡异的副作用和蹂躏时,不安和恐慌的感觉。
- But this year I 've also dealt with a close friend 's cancer , and the loss of a family member to it , so I know what it feels like to stand in the frustrated , terrified place of watching a loved one go through hospital trips and weird side effects and the ravages of disease .