- 我还确定了一种神奇思维的细线:谁知道会有什么奇怪的魔力加进来呢,即使是与一位爱好爵士乐的登山者在一起?
- I also identify a tiny thread of magical thinking : who knows what strange alchemy might kick in , even with a jazz loving mountaineer ?
- 设在华盛顿特区的全国防止青少年意外怀孕运动发言人比尔阿尔伯特说,“这份报告强调指出,误解、矛盾心理和奇幻思维等都很容易将青少年置于意外怀孕的危险境地。”
- " This report underscores how much misperception , ambivalence and magical thinking put teens at risk for unintended pregnancy , " said bill albert , a spokesman for the washington , d. c. - based national campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy .
- 经济问题和奇幻思维是canada这本书的主题,这richardford笔下一部关于家庭解散的混乱史诗。
- Money woes and magical thinking are the dominant notes in canada , a dazzling epic of family dissolution by richard ford .