For one thing , that zooming capability means the makers of a single digital map are forced to design dozens of differently scaled versions .
If it 's sunny and conditions are high-contrast , zooming into your subject will give you a more balanced exposure .
Zooming in on an image , and then out again , will be as easy as moving a hand closer or further away from the screen .
In cheap cameras with fixed lenses , digital zooming has always meant a loss of image quality .
Often just taking a few steps towards your subject or zooming in slightly will make an enormous difference .
They heard him zooming away , rattling coats of armor as he passed .
The received wisdom holds that a diner will start on the right-hand side of a menu , a little way above the middle , before zooming up to the top right-hand corner .
These stellar fireworks produce x-rays , cosmic rays - electrons , protons and nuclei zooming through space at nearly the speed of light , and gamma rays -- light waves so powerful they 're capable of killing cells .
It was covered with ants , and flies were zooming above it , landing on it , sucking it . It was a vile piece of meat that was being warmed by the sun , and a trickle of fat seeped out of it .