

zhejiang 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Zhejiang center group is a case in point .
- 浙江信泰集团就是一个很好的例子。
- Lu notes that zhejiang alone has 759 such local government financing vehicles .
- 陆挺指出,仅浙江一省就有759个地方政府融资平台。
- Zhejiang has done a better job in matching its entrepreneurship with resources .
- 在企业家精神与资源结合方面,浙江省的工作做得比较好。
- Notably , income inequality is far lower in zhejiang than in jiangsu .
- 更值得一提的是,浙江的收入差距要远比江苏小。
- Many of these zhejiang entrepreneurs moved their headquarters to hangzhou and hong kong .
- 在这些浙江企业家中,有许多人都将其总部迁往杭州和香港。
- Zhejiang , while heavily industrialised , still has a substantial rural population .
- 浙江尽管工业化程度很高,但仍拥有大量农村人口。
- The three regions above zhejiang are cities and do not have an agricultural sector .
- 上述三个排在浙江前面的地区都属于直辖市,没有农业部门。
- Each carriage of the derailed trains in zhejiang had a capacity of about 100 passengers .
- 这起发生在浙江的事故中,出轨车厢每节容量约为100名乘客。
- Tropical storm haikui is expected to reach the coast of zhejiang later tonight or early tomorrow morning .
- 热带风暴海葵预计将于今晚或明天一早抵达我国沿海的浙江省。
- Many of the largest businesses in zhejiang today were founded by rural entrepreneurs in the 1980s .
- 浙江省如今那些规模最大的企业,许多都是在80年代由农民企业家创办的。