
v.希望( desire的现在分词 );渴望;要求;请求
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- There was a generous opulence in the bowers and in the women , and I could not see that desiring the latter was much different from longing fox the former .
- 花朵和女人包含着一笔巨大的财富,我可看不出来对后者的欲望和对前者的渴求有什么不同。
- Obama 's cairo speech , by rebuking the iraq war but promising that the u. s. would seek arab democratization , put the u. s. in the awkward position of desiring qaddafi 's ouster but unwilling to openly lead the military mission necessary to make that happen .
- 奥巴马的开罗演讲批评了伊拉克战争,但同时承诺美国将寻求阿拉伯民主化,把美国摆在了一个尴尬的位置,既希望卡扎菲下台却又不愿意领导确保其实现的军事行动。
- Those desiring to emigrate were especially interested in foreign languages .
- 那些希望移民国外的人对外语特别感兴趣。
- She grew lovelier to me each day , and I found myself desiring her .
- 在我眼里,她一天比一天变得更可爱,我发现自己很想要她。
- Others are cynical , desiring the worst possible economy as an aid to recapturing the white house and senate in 2012 .
- 另外一些人见利忘义,希望经济尽可能糟糕,以便为在2012年重新夺回白宫和参议院大权助一臂之力。
- Greatly desiring to see thee , being mindful of thy tears , that I may be filled with joy ;
- 记念你的眼泪,昼夜切切的想要见你,好叫我满心快乐。