
[juˈɑn, juɑn]

yuan 变化形式
复数: yuan
易混淆的单词: Yuan
yuan 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ms zhen lost 2 000 yuan .
- 甄女士被骗了2000元。
- He expected to make around 30000 yuan from her .
- 他期望从她身上赚大概30000元。
- Five years ago the factory paid just 600 yuan .
- 五年前的平均水平仅为六百元。
- Mr yuan says the rapid spread of microblogs has contributed to this decline .
- 袁先生认为微博的迅速蔓延是这种下滑的催化剂。
- Mr. yuan had arrived several months earlier for an internship but was still jobless .
- 袁先生为了一份实习工作,比他们早到几个月,但仍然处于失业状态。
- Those have already been allocated 1 trillion yuan in funds .
- 这些计划已经划拨了人民币1万亿元的资金。
- A basic broadband connection costs less than 100 yuan a month .
- 一条基本的宽带每月的花费不超过100元。
- So how generous is 2300 yuan by international standards ?
- 那按国际标准来看这2300元到底有多大方呢?
- A three-year plan cuts the monthly minimum to 289 yuan .
- 三年制合约计划最低每月支付为289元人民币。
- Its 2010 sales were 108.16 billion yuan .
- 而2010年全年的销售额为1081.6亿元。