
wynn 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Yet mr wynn also faced doubters .
- 但韦恩也面临着质疑。
- The wynn transaction was a huge coup .
- 永利的交易是个巨大的成功。
- Meanwhile , mr. wynn has continued to contemplate extensive design changes .
- 韦恩同时也在继续思考如何对设计进行大规模修改。
- The stakes mr adelson is putting up are rich even for mr wynn .
- 即使对韦恩而言,安得尔森押上的赌注也非常大。
- Mr. wynn : our organizational structure is a la carte .
- 韦恩:我们的组织架构是因人设岗的。
- A phased expansion of the wynn macao casino will double its gaming tables and slot machines .
- 永利度假村的分期扩建计划将使其赌桌和老虎机数量增加一倍。
- Mr wynn packed his new hotel by pricing the rooms cheaply , even though he knew this would force down rates in his other hotels .
- wynn以低廉的房间标价来吸引人们入住他新开张的酒店,尽管他知道这会迫使其他酒店也下调房价。
- Back then the hong kong market for public offerings was euphoric and the full impact of the entry of two rival firms from las vegas , wynn and sands , was not so apparent .
- 那时候,香港的公开发行市场前景非常被看好,而且两大来自拉斯维加斯的赌博巨头wynn和sands进入澳门赌博市场影响也不是那么的明显。
- Given a history of rivalry in las vegas between mr adelson and casino developer steve wynn , the sands macao 's success sparked a new competition .
- 鉴于安得尔森与赌场开发商史蒂夫韦恩(stevewynn)在拉斯维加斯的长期竞争历史,澳门金沙赌场的成功引发新一轮竞争。
- The macau government 's decision allowing wynn resorts ltd. to build its multibillion-dollar complex signals a restart to the building boom that made the chinese territory the world 's largest gambling market .
- 永利度假(wynnresortsltd.)斥资数十亿美元建造综合体的项目获澳门特区政府批准标志着一波曾让澳门变身全球最大赌场的建设热潮将重新袭来。