

vt.& vi.(使)变得更坏,(使)恶化;恶化,更坏
worsen 变化形式
第三人称单数: worsens
过去式: worsened
过去分词: worsened
现在分词: worsening
worsen 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The situation could still worsen .
- 情况可能会继续恶化。
- Animosity is likely to worsen .
- 仇恨情绪有可能继续恶化。
- But he recognises that market jitters could worsen if nothing is done .
- 但他承认,如果什么也不做,市场恐慌可能加剧。
- The west 's recession and the associated drop in consumer spending will worsen .
- 西方的经济衰退以及随之而来的消费支出下滑将进一步加剧。
- But how sustainable that is depends on whether the sectoral declines worsen and spread .
- 但是它的持久性依赖于这些行业的衰退是否会加剧和扩散。
- Hormonal changes during pregnancy may worsen the symptoms .
- 怀孕期间的生理变化可能使病状加重。
- The symptoms usually worsen as people get older .
- 随着患者年龄增长,症状往往会加重。
- The senate bill might even worsen the outlook .
- 参议院通过此项法案甚至会令前景更加恶化。
- May worsen symptoms of pms in some women .
- 使一些女性的经前弃综合症的症状恶化。
- The situation continues to worsen .
- 这种局势将持续恶化。