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- They also need to offer much better schooling , an area in which africa woefully lags behind asia .
- 他们也应该提供更优越的教育,非洲在教育这个领域不幸比亚洲落后太多。
- From this perspective , our obsession with our current economic headaches looks woefully misplaced .
- 从这方面来看,我们当前经济问题的困扰看上去令人遗憾地错摆了位置。
- Yet the euro zone now looks woefully behind in its mission to save the single currency .
- 然而现在看来欧元区遗憾地没有完成拯救这一单一货币的任务。
- The current global institutional apparatus is woefully incapable of overseeing the financial system that is evolving .
- 令人遗憾的是,当前的全球机构设置没有能力监管不断发展变化的金融体系。
- They have been woefully short of it since the credit crunch .
- 自信贷紧缩以来,它们一直面临资金匮乏问题,这令人惋惜。
- Yoga is woefully unregulated in the uk and anyone can become an instructor after completing a weekend course .
- 瑜伽在英国是悲哀的无秩序的,任何人都可以在完成一个周末课程后,变成一名瑜伽教练。
- They are correct on the first two points and woefully wrong on the third .
- 他们前两点是正确的,但第三点则大错特错了。
- The us banking system is still woefully undercapitalised for the size of its balance sheets .
- 美国银行业体系就其资产负债表的规模而言,仍处于资本严重不足的状态。
- Two years later , with the army exposed as woefully trained and equipped , it ended in humiliating defeat .
- 两年之后,随着军队暴露出其糟糕的训练和装备,这场战争以耻辱性的失败而告终。
- Whether occupied by americans or not , iraq woefully lacks a sense of nationhood .
- 无论是否受美国控制,伊拉克都悲剧性地缺乏国家意识。