

williams 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Messrs tapscott and williams sometimes get carried away with their enthusiasm for the web .
- 泰普斯科特和威廉姆斯有时会因他们对网络的狂热而得意忘形。
- Mr tapscott and mr williams have now written a follow-up to their bestseller .
- 泰普斯科特先生和威廉斯先生已经对他们的畅销书写了一个续篇。
- He starts on spring break from james williams elementary school in katy , texas .
- 初春他就要暂时告别位于德克萨斯州凯蒂镇的詹姆士威廉斯小学了。
- People with williams syndrome are very warm and friendly , but perform poorly on visuospatial tests .
- 威廉斯综合症患者,则非常热心和友好,却在视觉空间测试中表现不佳。
- Healy 's aunt , 75-year-old sadie williams , says she thinks she 's barack obama 's oldest living relative in ireland .
- 希利的姑妈,75岁娣威廉斯,说她认为她是巴最早亲戚在爱尔兰的。
- Williams could also show why a memristor had never been seen before .
- williams同时解释了为什么记忆电阻器从来就没有人见过。
- In mr williams 's case it was the horses that annoyed them .
- 在williams先生的案例里是马骚扰到了他们。
- Mr williams fears that the rule on alfalfa augurs further limits on gm crops .
- 威廉姆斯担心对苜蓿种植的管制预示着对转基因作物的进一步限制。
- Williams had accidentally made a memristor just as chua had described it .
- williams意外地制造了一个chua所描述的记忆电阻器。
- The look and feel is designed by christopher chan with inspiration and support from josh williams .
- 界面和外观是由christopherchan设计,joshwilliams为他提供了灵感和支持。