
widowers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The aging society : more widows and widowers live alone .
- 老龄化社会:更多的寡妇和鳏夫一个人住。
- Second , thanks to increased longevity , bereaved spouses are outliving their partners for longer than the widows and widowers of yesteryear .
- 第二,由于人类寿命的增长,比起过去的寡妇鳏夫,现在丧偶的人群要比他们的配偶活的更长。
- In fact , men who were worriers faced a 50 percent lower risk of dying within the next few years after becoming widowers than men who weren 't worriers , martin reported .
- 事实上,据马丁讲,在过去的几年间,有烦恼的鳏夫死亡风险比没有烦恼的鳏夫要低50%。
- A recent article in the wall street journal highlights the increasing trend of exercise widows ( or widowers ) and talks about how intense exercise regimens are more commonly becoming a dividing issue between couples .
- 《华尔街日报》近期有一篇文章集中报道了运动寡妇(或鳏夫)不断增加的趋势,文章还提到常规强化锻炼正在变成更为普遍的伴侣间的分歧。