Its magnet weighs 36000 tons and is registered in the guinness book of records as the heaviest in the world .
It 's weighs as much as nearly 80 million gallons of water , which is enough to fill up 121 olympic-sized swimming pools .
The largest creature ever to live , the blue whale averages 25 feet ( 7.6 meters ) long at birth and weighs about three tons .
It was created in the 13th century , it weighs 93 tons , but from the inside its a hollow , where visitors can go inside .
Dongfang engineers surveyed the area in march for routes to transport the enormous generator components the largest of which weighs 270 tons from shanghai , said the bosnian serb newspaper nezavisne novine .
Nevertheless , given the short distance over which communication was achieved , the low data transmission rate and the extreme technology required to achieve it ( minerva itself weighs several tonnes ) , neutrinos are clearly not a viable method of communication in the short term .
A recent study by the british chiropractic association , in fact , showed that the average " murse " weighs nearly 14 pounds ( those laptops , ipads and battery packs really add up ) , a lopsided load that can cause back and shoulder pain and impact posture .