

n.(放钞票、信用卡的)钱夹( wallet的名词复数 );皮夹;(携带文件用的)皮夹;塑料夹

wallets 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

But with italy in recession and shoppers keeping a tight grip on their purses and wallets , the increasingly jittery fashion industry needs a boost .
Worse , low interest rates may themselves be discouraging consumers from opening up their wallets .
With americans tightening their grips on their wallets , new sources of growth would have to be found .
It reported a 45 % increase in sales of high-end watches compared with the corresponding july period ; sales of men 's imported wallets have more than doubled .
He points out that phones can allow farmers in rural india to check market prices for their crops , they can act as wallets , location finders and can store all of a child 's schoolwork for a year .
It is on the verge of announcing the third generation of its stalwart ipad , no doubt with additional plans to conquer consumer 's wallets .
Starting with just belts , they now offer an array of products from key chains to wallets sold online and in country clubs across the east coast .
First , big banks , ad agencies , and law firms are finally , though judiciously , re-loosening their wallets for entertaining .
After years of planning , the company may finally be worming its way into our wallets , becoming as commonplace as cash once was .
Apple has been steadily removing wallets over recent months , and with blockchain gone , ios users have no ability to send and receive bitcoin from their devices .