

n.誓言( vow的名词复数 );郑重宣布,许愿

vows 变化形式

易混淆的单词: VOWS

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On may 8th britain 's conservative prime minister and his liberal democrat deputy renewed their coalition vows in a tractor factory .
This leader did not know my mother 's formidable will and had never heard her speak about her wedding vows or her love .
They say their wedding vows which bring them together as one .
There was a police presence as they exchanged vows , thanks to the fact that her attacker has been released from prison .
Stacey anderson , a successful real-estate agent from arizona and twice-divorced mother of four kids , vows to prove that a mature woman is a catch .
Mr stoltenberg vows that the country will not give up its openness and the people 's proximity to power .
Greece , where an upstart leftist party that vows to stop honoring the terms of the country 's international loans may win the coming election , shows the potential for political backlash .
He once advocated a single-payer system , but has since said that would make sense only if starting from scratch ; now , he vows to work within the current system of employer-based health care .
The evening kicked off with a ceremony of sorts during which mr friedlander and ms schmidt chanted and exchanged vows written by friends of the couple .
As the couple said their vows , the loud sound of an assault weapon being fired could be heard from the nearby shooting range .