
Pensacola 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- For more than 20 years , archaeologists from pensacola 's university of west florida have conducted digs at several city sites .
- 二十多年来,彭萨科拉西佛罗里达大学的考古学者在几个城市进行了一些挖掘活动。
- Lighted by a normal flashlight , tar patties appear dark brown against the sands of pensacola beach , florida .
- 佛罗里达的彭萨科拉沙滩上,在常规手电筒照射下,油块呈现深棕色。
- That might be changing , however : a florida judge recently slapped a two-year prison term on a 28-year-old female teacher in pensacola convicted of unlawful sexual activity with a 15-year-old male student .
- 那可能也在改变:一个佛罗里达发光最近将一名28岁的彭萨克拉女老师判处了两年的有期徒刑她和一名15岁男学生发生了非法性关系。
- In 1914 , the u.s. navy constructed a new installation , the pensacola naval aeronautical station , on the grounds of a u.s. naval shipyard on pensacola bay .
- 1914年,美国海军在彭萨科拉海湾造船厂的原址上建造了一个新的军事设施--彭萨科拉海军航空站。
- A patch of sand far from the water appears clean when lighted by a normal flashlight on a pensacola , florida-area beach .
- 佛罗里达彭萨科拉沙滩上,常规灯光照射下,一堆远离海水的沙子看起来很干净。
- Frank sansone , a retired college professor in pensacola , fla. , bought 40 apple shares during the first half of last year .
- 佛罗里达州彭萨科拉(pensacola)的退休大学教授桑索内(franksansone)去年上半年买了40股苹果股票。
- At center , tar patties and tarballs-normally brown or black-near pensacola beach , florida , glow orange-yellow under an ultraviolet spotlight .
- 佛罗里达州彭萨科拉海滩的焦油块和焦油球在紫外光照射下呈现出闪亮的桔黄色。
- Pensacola 's rich history has spawned a passion for the past .
- 彭萨科拉的丰富的历史使人们对过去产生了无限的激情。
- Pensacola , its anchorage first admired by the spanish 450 years ago .
- 彭萨科拉,其港口在四百五十年前就吸引了西班牙人的目光
- She was firm in her belief that all her neighbors , now in shelters in lafayette , houston , pensacola , god knows where , were the lost ones .
- 她一直坚信,她的邻居们,现在在拉裴特、休斯顿、彭萨克拉或是上帝知道的地方的避难所里的人们,已经失踪了。