A purpose of the same nature is answered by the higher literature , viz . , The literature of power .
If we interpret " a truth is useful " as " a truth is a recognition that can guide practice to success " , we can say a recognition that can guide practice to success is a truth , viz . " What is useful is truth " .
Many factors are to be considered in the choice of a type that is economical and applicable , so it is recommended that four aspects are to be considered comprehensively , viz .
And hence we must not say absolutely that christ is a " creature " or " less than the father " ; but with a qualification , viz . " In his human nature . "
At first it was viewed by the jews simply as one of the numerous messianic movements which , aimed against roman rule , ended tragically for their instigators , and from which it differed only in one singular fact ; viz .
Let us next compare the empirical theory with that of metaphysics in the matter of their respective contents . We find the latter , as already stated , taking for its theme the universal objects of the reason , viz .
A principle maintained by some authors , viz , that the bishop can grant all dispensations which the pope has not reserved to himself , cannot be admitted .
In summary , unless there is hard currency well matched with us dollar in an economy with economic strength , the us dollar will still make excess profits from money system supply , viz . Continuous depreciation .