

vitiligo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Vitiligo caused by excessive sweating it ?
- 流汗过多会引起白癜风吗?
- An estimated 45 million people worldwide suffer vitiligo ; at least one in 100 british adults is affected .
- 全球估计有45万人患有白癜风,每100名英国成年人中就有一名患者。
- Indeed , emma believes she inherited a tendency to it from her father , who has vitiligo on his arms and legs .
- 事实上,艾玛认为她的病是遗传了父亲,她父亲的胳膊和腿都有白癜风。
- In 1993 , michael jackson appeared on the show to denounce his critics and declare he had the skin pigment disorder vitiligo .
- 1993年,迈克尔杰克逊出现在节目中,公开指责批评他的人,并宣布自己患有皮肤色素混乱的白癜风症。
- Where does vitiligo hospital folk prescription have ?
- 白癜风医院偏方哪里有?
- Which family hospital administers a vitiligo is effective .
- 哪家医院治白癜风有效。
- The vitiligo patient can eat bean curd much what .
- 白癜风患者能多吃豆腐吗。
- Where does the vitiligo turning white go to administer ?
- 发白的白癜风去哪里治?
- The progress on the study of predisposing genes in vitiligo .
- 白癜风遗传易感基因研究进展。
- Treating vitiligo with radish seeds and vinegar ?
- 用小萝卜种子和醋治疗白癜风