
n.访问( visitation的名词复数 );探望;天罚;天降的祸福
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- Patient sharing assemblies or group , patient visitations , self-help rehabilitation exercises , health seminar , recreational activities , community education programmes , newsletters , etc.
- 服务对象病友分享聚会,关怀探访,自助复康运动,医学讲座,社交康乐活动,社区教育,会员通讯。
- Mohammed is said to have experienced supernatural visitations during periods spent in meditation in the nearby mountains .
- 据说,穆罕默德在附近山中潜思冥想时曾经历了超然的巡视。
- You usually interpret their visitations , however , in terms of your own station of reality .
- 然而,你通常从你的现实出发,来解释他们的到访。
- Indisputably , though , these visitations do much more damage than before , because they affect more people and more man-made creations .
- 毫无疑问,这些灾害确实带来了比以前更多的破坏,因为它们影响了更多的人和更多的人造工程。
- There were no audible , easy answers-no words of wisdom , no heavenly visions , no angelic visitations .
- 没有听见舒心的回答没有智慧名言,没有上苍显灵,没有天使下凡。
- It is the moment of dark visitations .
- 它是黑暗降临的时刻。
- But we have no evidence of such alien visitations .
- 但是我们还没有外星访客的证据。
- They will also be doing home visitations in the evenings and making preparations for their second half their trip .
- 他们在晚上也会进行家访和为行程的下半部份作筹备工作。
- Benign aliens have been very careful so far in this regard , and all visitations are recorded only in the subconscious for this reason .
- 在此方面,善意的外星人至今很小心翼翼,而所以所有的访问只被记录在人类的潜意识当中。
- As would be chosen in a lodge , not as ye would term by visitations , nor as chosen by the sect of the families .
- 就像在住地挑选一样,不是靠互相介绍认识,更不是由家族挑选决定的。