visas 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Last year 37 such visas were granted .
- 去年,批准的类似签证为37个。
- So can work visas for keyemployees .
- 对于重要员工的签证同样是如此。
- Governments may issue multiple-entry visas for students and businessmen .
- 各国政府也许会对学生和商人发行多国入境签证。
- Visas and passports : applications would face major delays .
- 签证和护照:申请人会面临重大延误。
- New rules to reduce student visas would be very destructive .
- 新出台的减少海外学生签证的规定危害极大。
- Egypt 's state security service still denies visas to gazan businessmen .
- 埃及国家安全系统仍然不承认加沙商人的签证。
- Michael and the boys were granted visas and flew to burma .
- 迈克尔和她的两个孩子获得了赴缅签证。
- Britain fails to hand out even its meagre allocation of work visas .
- 英国甚至都没发完它那微薄定额的工作签证。
- But few migrants who pose a threat seek to obtain legal visas .
- 然而很少有移民会为取得合法签证而采取威胁手段。
- The legislation has prevented boat people who arrive there from applying for visas .
- 该法还阻止了乘船来的难民在那里申请签证。