

v.中伤,诽谤( vilify的现在分词 )

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Wang says she has gotten hundreds of phone calls and thousands of e-mails , most vilifying her but some that are supportive .
The drama a sense of awareness of the photo lens bold , and therefore subject of the complaint , and the role of perverted photographer photographer has been accused of vilifying the industry suspected .
For years , it 's been easy to praise google for being a friend to open source , while vilifying microsoft for keeping its distance from free software .
But vilifying apple for not doing more-even calling for a boycott of apple products-is the height of hypocrisy .
The accepted wisdom that drives many advocacy groups and democratic activists these days goes something like this : the republican party has been able to consistently win elections not by expanding its base but by vilifying democrats , driving wedges into the electorate , energizing its right wing , and disciplining those who stray from the party line .
Privately owned shops in abu salim sell badges showing colonel qaddafi in various heroic and sympathetic poses , including one alongside saddam hussein , and play songs with government jingles vilifying the rebels in the east .
They aren 't picketing outside mark zuckerberg 's home or vilifying steve jobs for his personal wealth or boycotting new york yankees games over derek jeter 's salary .
In fact , vilifying diamond was always less than logical , since barclays ( bcs ) , unlike lloyds and royal bank of scotland ( rbs ) , weathered the financial crisis without a government bailout .
And what could be more open-minded than vilifying , as hayes does , the very system that conferred elite status on you in the first place ?
As was later remarked itwas as if the american press were vilifying richard nixon and aristotle .