Fresh blood must be injected regularly across any institution to maintain vigour and faith in the future .
Such vigour has put further distance between germany and its trading partners to the south .
In the absence of either , europe will wait for the us to spend itself back into ( temporary ) vigour .
Moreover , much of germany 's renewed vigour reflects stringent control of real wages , which has secured a fall in unit labor costs when they have been rising elsewhere .
Nor were france 's european rivals pursuing big reforms with today 's vigour .
The regimes in yemen and syria took note , and put down their own uprisings with greater vigour .
Yet a democratic flowering only partly explains the parliament 's vigour .
His every act has a personal significance , indicating vigour , independence , and self-reliance , and unconsciously commands respect , admiration , and homage .
Looking back over successive cycles , interest rates have had to be reduced with ever more vigour to get the same ( and sometimes reduced ) response from spending .
With respect to both monetary and fiscal policy , tightening in the cyclical upturns never matched the vigour of the easing in the downturns .