

n.纯素主义者(既不吃也不用任何动物产品,如蛋、丝绸、皮革)( vegan的名词复数 )

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In fact , some vegans avoid all products with animal origins-not just foods , but also leather , wool and silk .
And a daily vitamin d supplement is a good idea for vegans and meat-eaters alike .
However , igf-1 levels among a group of strict vegans were significantly lower , even if they weighed more .
How do you piss off vegans the world over and maybe piss off non-vegans as well ?
Many people report feeling healthier and more energetic on adopting such diets , but there are too few long-term raw food vegans for direct evaluation of the success of raw vegan diets versus other diets .
It also strongly recommends the consumption of 3 micrograms per day of vitamin b12 from fortified foods or supplements for all vegans and the use of vitamin d supplements for infants during the winter .
Ethical vegans reject the commodity status of animals and the use of animal products for any purpose , while dietary vegans ( or strict vegetarians ) eliminate them from their diet only .
But vegans are stricter , shunning not only meat , but fish and shellfish ( which some vegetarians will eat ) , eggs , milk and other dairy products -- any food with an ingredient derived from an animal , from a cow down to an insect .
But it 's healthy . Um , raw food . We 're vegans .
However , there is no large group of long-term raw food vegans to provide a direct comparison .