An extremely useful firefox plugin which provides many tools which web developers use on a daily basis . Great for quickly validating your xhtml or inspecting http header information .
Others were asked to instead focus on boosting their self-esteem : " imagine that you are talking to yourself about this weakness from a perspective of validating your positive qualities . What would you say ? "
Along with validating your files , you should format your markup nicely as well . " Examples and tips for great html / css formatting " is a article to read more on that subject .
But market participants regard the october experience as validating their view that the fed cannot risk upsetting market expectations at a moment such as this .
One specific method I use is to " remember " a dream character differently and to stop validating a less desirable reality for them .
Homosexuality was once believed to be an illness ; now it is an identity , a way of validating the same way of being .
Rejections and failures don 't bother him , because he is driven by an interest in other people and the process , not curing loneliness , lust or validating himself .
As far as the league and many citizens are concerned , this is a simple matter of validating the historical truth , which included appalling massacres and a concerted drive to wipe out the new nation 's intelligentsia .
This optimism has a self-fulfilling character : because of their optimism , consumers consume more and investors invest more , thereby validating the prevailing optimism .
And when governments do not play by the rules , observers can reduce fraud that would otherwise occur and condemn governments for election manipulation , sometimes validating domestic protest , as happened in georgia in 2003 and ukraine in 2004 .