upwardly 怎么读,upwardly 的音标和真人发音
upwardly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 However , real final sales were upwardly revised to 0.4 per cent , from an originally reported - 0.2 per cent . 不过,实际最终销售由先前的下降0.2%,向上修正为增长0.4%。 Forever be please positive upwardly . Each men all have his lovable place , but unlovable place then not positively facing life . 请永远积极向上。每个男人都有他可爱的地方,但是不可爱的地方只有不积极面对生活。 They are upwardly mobile , keener on cutting taxes than on raising government spending , and more concerned about law and order . 他们社会、经济地位在上升,热衷于减税而不是增加政府开支,而且更关心法律和社会秩序。 Meanwhile , upwardly mobile families are investing heavily in their children 's cultural development . 同时,迅速富裕起来的家庭,正把大笔金钱钱投入到孩子的文化发展方面。 The meeting attracted upwardly mobile professional and political women . 这次会议吸引了积极进取的职业和从政妇女。 But this comes close : find a region where casinos are largely banned , but whose vast and upwardly mobile population is gambling mad . 但接下来这个就近乎完美:先找个禁止开设赌场的地区,但却有着大量上升的流动人口,而且每个人都视赌如命。 In all , the bank reckons that two in five latin americans were upwardly mobile between 1995 and 2010 , though few made the leap directly from poverty to the middle class . 总的来说,银行认为1995年到2010年间有五分之二的拉美人生活水平有所提高,尽管很少部分人直接从贫困阶级大跨越成了中产阶级。 Other factors - urbanization , a secular society and upwardly mobile women - also appear to be playing an important role . 其它一些因素像城市化、世俗社会、妇女职位向上变动也起着一个很重要的作用。 Luxury automakers are tripping over each other to appeal to this upwardly mobile and style-conscious class of consumers . 豪华汽车制造商在吸引这群追求档次和时尚的新富阶层消费者时相互阻挠。 The auditor should upwardly adjust net income for the charges creating the accounting cushion . 审计人员应按创造会计缓冲的费用调高净利润。