

n.好转,上升趋势( upturn的名词复数 )

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But this rally differs from last year 's sizeable but short-lived upturns , which were driven by hopes that obscure and untested policy shifts would fix the problems in the banking sector . This rally is underpinned by a widespread improvement in industrial sector data and financial conditions .
As the kremlin struggles to turn around the shrinking economy , cope with surging unemployment and deal with a rising wave of bad-debt problems among its banks , the recent upturns in oil prices and the country 's markets are providing little relief .
But this time around , the boom was twice as long and prices rose by more than twice as much as during past upturns .
Despite this encouraging news for ad men ( and women ) , zenith optimedia still expects this recovery to compare poorly with previous cyclical upturns in advertising spending .
With respect to both monetary and fiscal policy , tightening in the cyclical upturns never matched the vigour of the easing in the downturns .
Among the 16 nations that share the euro , greece has already fallen deeply into recession , spain and portugal are struggling to maintain their expansions amid budget austerity , and germany and france are having very modest upturns .