Mr falwell , like many popular conservative preachers , has set up a university , where students only recently won the right to wear bermuda shorts , and are still not allowed to watch unwholesome movies .
But dr klein always says fruit is so wholesome ; so why should it be unwholesome all at once ?
But the goat said , " oh priest , your protection is very weak , compared to the power of my unwholesome deed to cause its necessary results . "
These are to give up entirely the five unwholesome actions : destroying life , taking what is not given , sexual wrong-doing , speaking falsely , and drunkenness .
There are those who give little of the much which they have -- and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome .
Burying the negativity in the unconscious will not eradicate it , and allowing it to manifest as unwholesome physical or vocal actions will only create more problems .
Utterly contemptuous of the intelligence of the people , he seems quite to ignore the unwholesome aftereffects of a diet of lies .