While there is one untrodden tractfor intellect or men are free to think and act , life is worth living .
Hile there is one untrodden tractfor intellect or men are free to think and act , life is orth living .
While there is one untrodden tractfor intellect or will . Bnd men are free to think and act , life is worth living .
While there is one untrodden tractfor intellector men have the freedom to think and act , life is worth living .
They were three thousand miles away from the nearest white men ; before them lay a great ocean , visited only at rare intervals , and , for the greater part , unexplored ; behind them was an unknown continent , a vast , untrodden waste , in which they formed but a speck .
Every city and province , without exception , that does not observe this decree shall be ruthlessly destroyed with fire and sword , so that it will be left not merely untrodden by men , but even shunned by wild beasts and birds forever .