英音  [ˌjʊ'naɪtɪŋ]    
美音 [ˌjʊ'naɪtɪŋ]    


v.(使)联合,合并,统一( unite的现在分词 );团结;(为某事)联合,联手,团结

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The aim is to avoid cataclysmic war , or domination by one country , by uniting while still pursuing national advantage .
The protest movement that burst into the open then is still without a uniting , representative party capable of contesting elections .
In the postwar years jarvis and other women organized mother 's friendship day picnics and other events as pacifist events uniting former foes .
As time passed it felt as if something much bigger was happening , a shift in the cosmos that was uniting the world in an unprecedented display of humanity .
In all of these locations , I uncovered a pattern : women connecting to make life easier for one another , uniting through biology and culture .
The reason people took to the streets is that a growing middle class is uniting to make its voice heard . The hope is that their protests will at last mark an advance for india 's beleaguered women .
At the time , the speed of italian unification was regarded as a kind of miracle , a magnificent example of a patriotic people uniting and rising up to eject foreign oppressors and home-bred tyrants .
Such assurances may be crucial not only to uniting the exiled opposition , as outside powers have urged , but also to countering the regime 's insistence that islamists would repress christian , alawi and druze minorities if they came to power .
Yasuo fukuda , japan 's prime minister , said last night the association of south east asian nations would play a central role in uniting what would be the world 's dominant economic region in the next 30 years .
Analysts hope that , being japanese , mr hirai will have more success than his welsh-born predecessor , sir howard stringer ( now sony 's chairman ) , in uniting sony 's 168000 employees behind a call for reform .