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unexploited 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Mining companies say there are many largely unexploited regions of the globe , including greenland , the canadian arctic , mongolia and the seafloor .
Motto : set foot on all the unexploited treasure locations in the world .
Rich land resource : most of land in industry concentrating area of pubei county belongs to unexploited land .
The unexploited " centenary cut " deposit , which lies under the existing mine , could yield a lot more .
The methods of the land resource 's suitability evaluation unexploited are mainly introduced in yuzhou city .
Three countries on mr wen 's tour-tanzania , angola , and congo-brazzaville-are mineral-rich themselves and border the democratic republic of congo , which has huge unexploited iron ore deposits .
Just as the earliest whales may have taken advantage of the unexploited resource of crocodile-free water , the earliest snakes must have taken advantage of transitional traits expressed by their relatives .
Oh , the secret life of man and woman , dreaming how much better we would be than we are if we were somebody else or even ourselves , and feeling that our estate has been unexploited to its fullest .
Visitors to the egyptian museum in cairo invariably gasp at the lavish use of that metal in the treasures of tutankhamun , yet for nearly two millennia the mines in egypt 's eastern desert that made it the biggest supplier of gold to the ancient world lay unexploited .
By not utilising unexploited natural resources , the " poverty amidst plenty " situation would not be reversed and africans would continue to die from the ravages of droughts and famines .