But perhaps there was more to the unexplained move , with the ministry able to see a little bit further down the track than other market participants .
Figures suggest there are high numbers in north america , though this is unexplained .
For japan the news was the piece of a jigsaw that went towards solving the puzzle of numerous unexplained disappearances .
Warning signs include ulcers , sores , red or white patches in the mouth lasting more than three weeks and unexplained mouth or ear pain .
After all , back in the 1990s japanese banks also had a nasty habit of producing shockingly large , unexpected and unexplained losses .
In fact , they almost always invoke a skyhook , some unexplained result without which the entire structure collapses .
But an early-evening spike in radiation levels , as well as continued and unexplained emissions of smoke and steam from two of the plant 's most troubled reactors , underscored the continued uncertainty of the situation .