Instapaper all your open tabs for reading later , then read one at a time when you have some undistracted reading time .
In fact , many of us will go to great lengths to avoid the feeling of being alone in an undistracted environment .
Some slouch on the sofa watching daytime soaps , pausing occasionally to check their blackberrys . Most , however , do real work , undistracted by meetings and gasbag colleagues .
Research suggests that people who talk on the phone while cruising the sidewalk fail to process their surroundings as fully as those walking undistracted , as we previously reported .
It is extremely hard to rest undistracted in the nature of mind , even for a moment , let alone to self-liberate a single thought or emotion as it rises .
O this I say for your own benefit ; not to put a restraint upon you , but to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the lord .
In the quiet spaces opened up by the sustained , undistracted reading of a book , or by any other act of contemplation , for that matter , we make our own associations , draw our own inferences and analogies , foster our own ideas .
Grant to the building committee wisdom & insight so that , undistracted by irrelevant biases , they may look upon the various proposals set before them and see them as you see them , and choose the proposal that is best suited to your expectations of this parish .
Only a strong government , they argue , undistracted by the quotidian dealmaking and corruption of parliamentary politics , can take the tough decisions needed : to combat islamist extremism , broaden the tax base , curb political violence and counter the environmental and demographic threats to pakistan 's future .