Once I change you I 'm gonna beat you soundless for being so underhanded .
Deceive or do something to someone in an underhanded way .
How could you do something so pathetic and underhanded ?
It was an underhanded attempt to win the contract for himself .
He got the money in a very underhanded manner .
He 's underhanded , you just can 't trust him .
I put the envelope on the table and left quickly , as though I were doing something underhanded .
Noting that the knock-down notices were delivered just days before the start of the school year , some observers have interpreted the campaign as an underhanded effort to force migrant families to leave .
Furthermore , the news has angered local unions which believe that taking government support but then outsourcing jobs to china is an underhanded move .
Eople are complicated creatures , on the one hand , able to perform great acts of charity ; on the other , capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal .