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underemployment 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Unemployment and underemployment are both falling .
In the united states , we continue to struggle with high rates of unemployment and underemployment .
Since the government began to measure the business cycle , no recession has been marked by such high levels of unemployment and underemployment , or followed by such anaemic job growth .
Officially unemployment on the islands is 34 % but officials at the zanzibar chamber of commerce say the real rate is much higher , with youth joblessness and underemployment estimated at 85 % .
The so-called underemployment rate -- which includes part - time workers who 'd prefer a full-time position and people who want work but have given up looking -- held at 17 percent .
This suggests another solution to rentism 's underemployment problem : hiring people to perform personal services might become a status marker , even if automation makes it strictly speaking unnecessary .
If they are trapped in underemployment in remote rural areas , the main task is to establish land markets and basic services ( schools , streets , sanitation ) to help cities grow .
Aside from briefly quoting samuelson , he does little to explain why protectionist policies are an appropriate response to underemployment .
Assuming the government can succeed with its plan , mr kumar hopes " tens of millions " of jobs can be created , so helping to deal with the endemic problems of unemployment and underemployment .
As the late joan robinson , a cambridge economist , once wrote , " the misery of being exploited by capitalists is nothing compared to the misery of not being exploited at all " . Her quip , written in 1962 , was inspired by underemployment in south-east asia .