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The discipline has the progress underachiever , should praise ...... we may also hold some underachievers also to be able to obtain the prize competition , enables the underachiever also to obtain the praise .
Many middle managers were over-motivated underachievers themselves , who climbed the ladder by logging in more hours than anyone else , working hard at their modest talents but falling short of greatness .
Early identification and appropriate programming prevent the establishment of chronic patterns of underachievement or negative attitudes toward schools ; it also allows early intervention with underachievers , which is much more successful than later efforts at remediation or correction . Whitmore .
Although british schoolchildren perform reasonably well compared with those in other countries , average standards are not improving despite billions in extra spending , and a stubbornly long tail of underachievers straggles behind .
Many of these kids , in fact , end up being labeled " learning disabled , " " add , " or simply underachievers , when their unique ways of thinking and learning aren 't addressed by a heavily linguistic or logical-mathematical classroom .
The sutton trust ( which wants to boost social mobility ) looked at the family lives of kids who were already furthest behind when they started school : the underachievers overwhelmingly came from low-income families with mothers aged under 25 who were not with the biological father of the child .
Making up lessons for the underachievers is one of the orthodox methods of transforming the underachievers .
This undisputed genius , who lived to be 67 , was also one of history 's most accomplished underachievers .
But if you 're an underachievers , there is always the hope that you will tap into your full potential and bring it to the table .
Both teams play a similar passing game with flashes of brilliance . And both are considered perennial underachievers .