Market forces are signaling that wenzhou 's old industries are increasingly uncompetitive .
Another is that some pain will fall on foreign suppliers : uncompetitive countries , such as greece , portugal and spain , tend to suck in lots of imports when their domestic spending is strong .
It has shown how regulators can , if they choose , take vigorous action to shake up uncompetitive bits of the aviation business .
Indeed , traditional bank lending frequently contrives to be both subsidised and uncompetitive .
Membership of the euro would prevent italy from devaluing its currency whenever exports became uncompetitive , forcing the country to undertake reforms to boost productivity .
Other commodity-rich nations , such as australia , have had to abandon uncompetitive industries and move to more services-based economies .
One traditional fix is tariffs and subsidies , which can offset an uncompetitive exchange rate .
She says it will make australia " uncompetitive " .
Industry groups have warned this would make eu banks uncompetitive in rival markets in asia and the us .
Not having the tenacity or stomach to negotiate terms that are reflective of today 's economy may leave a company uncompetitive .