Russia has created a large class of " state companies " that have an uncanny knack for acquiring assets from the private sector at knock-down prices .
He has the uncanny ability to bring his movie career back from the dead whenever he stars in a box office turkey .
Mr katzenberg , who was mr diller 's assistant when he first met mr geffen , says his friend has an uncanny ability to absorb large amounts of information , quickly retaining what is important .
In the process , we are moving from the merely good to the uncanny .
And there are some uncanny parallels between the current situation and the turbulence of the 1970s and early 1980s .
To li 's many admirers , he is an outstanding businessman and a gentleman , with an uncanny knack for timing everything from the volatile cycles of hong kong 's property market to the global telecoms industry .
Kids also have an uncanny sense of when something is up : they know a fake smile when they see one , they realize when we 're uneasy , they can tell when we 're lying .
In order to put these skills to use to find and decipher the clues that lead to his uncanny deductions , holmes relied on the optical technology of the time : the magnifying glass and microscope .