ugg 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ugg boots should be banned from the office too , according to 26 percent , and 23 percent want leggings shown the door .
- 26%的人认为还应该禁止在办公室穿雪地靴,23%的人希望打底裤也被请出办公室。
- Last year , lane crawford launched ugg boots in the autumn season and sold out within a month .
- 去年连卡佛(lanecrawford)在秋季推出了ugg靴子,不到一个月就销售一空。
- The logo : a genuine ugg has the registered trademark symbol next to its logo on the label .
- 标志:真正的ugg靴子在标签上的标志旁有注册商标符号。
- The height : the ugg australia classic boots come in short ( midcalf ) and tall versions .
- 高度:uggaustralia经典靴子有短款(高至小腿肚)和长款。
- The sole : the ugg boot sole is one solid reinforced piece , about half an inch thick , flexible but firm , and has the logo embossed on the bottom .
- 鞋底:ugg靴子的鞋底是一个结实的加厚底,厚约半英寸,有弹性但很坚固,而且底部有浮凸的商标图案。
- What do you like best , apples , pears , ugg whitley
- 苹果,梨,香蕉,你最喜欢哪个?
- Ugg blue classic cardy boots 5819 sale .
- 雪地靴蓝色经典卡尔迪5819出售。
- Ugg black classic cardy boots 5819 sale .
- 雪地靴5819黑色经典卡尔迪出售。
- You may have to wait for a while cheap ugg boots before you can get these copies .
- 也许你可以在等在得到离婚记录副本的过程中去买双廉价的棉靴。
- The fox knows many things , ugg , but the hedgehog knows one big thing .
- 狐狸多才多艺,刺猬只会一件看家本领。