SEINFELD 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- These folks can travel to the " superstar cities " on the coasts or merely watch kobe and jerry seinfeld on tv .
- 那些前往沿岸“超级明星城市”的家伙也只不过是想去目睹一番只在电视上才能看到的科比与杰里宋飞的真容。
- However , in one of jerry seinfeld 's funnier comedy routines , he predicts that eventually fashion won 't even exist .
- 不过在jerryseinfeld(美国喜剧演员)在他的一期单口喜剧相声中预言过,时尚终将消失。
- Seinfeld told his audience on friday : " never feel bad that your life sucks . "
- 宋飞在周五告诉观众说:“当你生活糟糕时感觉不要糟。”
- So if you need to remember something , try reviewing those notes just before bedtime . Instead of watching that rerun of seinfeld you already have memorized .
- 所以如果你需要记忆些东西,尝试一下就在睡前回顾一下,而不是观看你已经记住的塞恩菲尔德重播。
- Jerry seinfeld had a small role on the sitcombenson , but the producers didn 't like the way he was playing the part . They fired him after only three episodes .
- 杰瑞宋飞是喜剧本森里的一个小角色,但是制片人并不喜欢他的表演方式,在三集之后他们便炒了他。
- We end with everyone watching reruns of seinfeld .
- 会议结束前,我们看了《桑菲尔德》的重映。
- Jerry seinfeld tried to poison you ?
- 杰瑞宋飞想毒害您?
- In every episode of seinfeld there was a superman somewhere in the picture .
- 情景喜剧《宋飞传》的每一集中都有超人的身影出现在画面中。
- Preliminary ratings showed it was the highest viewing audience since the last episode of seinfeld in 1998 .
- 初步统计显示,它创造了自1998年播出的《沈斐德》大结局以来最高的收视率。
- " Seinfeld " star michael richards says anger , not bigotry , fueled his racist outburst at a los angeles comedy club .
- 辛菲尔德名星迈克尔。理查兹说是怒火,不是偏见导致他的种族主义在洛杉矶喜剧俱乐部爆发。