

n.瑞士联合银行集团(United Bank of Switzerland,英文简称UBS,中文简称瑞银集团);[计]= Unit BackSpace,[EBCDIC]单位退格符

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Having long turned a blind eye to these sorts of shenanigans , the america 's government suddenly changed tack , coming down heavily on ubs .
Ubs 's regional head has given warning that its profit margins there could be depressed for a year or two amid fierce competition for talent .
Like other swiss banks , ubs is not keen on having assassins as customers . Amnesiacs are a different matter .
A recent report by the investment bank ubs predicted that local government investment corporations could generate up to $ 460 billion in loan defaults over the next few years .
Mr thiam is an american citizen who studied at cornell university and had previously worked as a wall street banker at merrill lynch and ubs .
Ubs , a perennially underperforming swiss bank , was expected to face shareholder anger over pay at its annual meeting on may 3rd .
The research company has recently worked with financial institutions such as ubs and visa , as well as amnesty international and the world economic forum , according to its website .
In the first big breach in swiss secrecy , ubs agreed in 2009 to pay a $ 780m fine for aiding tax evasion and turned over data on more than 4400 accounts .
" Every packaged-food and restaurant company I know is concerned about regulation right now , " says mr palmer of ubs .
Elsewhere in europe , the swiss national bank is agitating to share oversight of , credit suisse and ubs switzerland 's two biggest banks , with the country 's banking supervisor .
