


ub 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Ub researchers conducted the study in a random sample of 1555 white and african-american residents of western new york .
However , ub is already foreign-owned , having been purchased in 2006 by the us private equity group blackstone , and the french buy-out firm pai partners .
Ravi nedungadi president and chief financial officer of the ub group kingfisher 's parent says he hopes to win new credit lines in the coming weeks .
To test their hypothesis gabriel and young asked 140 ub undergraduate students to read for 30 minutes from one of two popular books , " twilight " and " harry potter and the sorcerer 's stone . " Participants then completed a series of questionnaires that tested their conscious and unconscious responses to the narratives .
Professor oyuntsetseg of the mongolian university of science and technology told the ub post that strokes and cancers of the stomach and liver are leading causes of death among mongolians , and that a vegetarian diet would help reduce the risk .
Arbesman , a ub clinical assistant professor of dermatology and social and preventive medicine , details his reasoning in a letter published in the " notes and comments " section of the current ( december ) issue of the journal .
Some of india 's largest groups , including the tata family controlled companies , the ambani family controlled reliance and vijay mallya 's ub group , have pledged large stakes in their listed companies as collateral to lenders , new disclosure requirements reveal .
Shira 's co-authors are jaye l. derrick , ph.d. , postdoctoral associate and adjunct instructor of psychology at ub , and kurt hugenberg , ph.d. , assistant professor of psychology at miami university .
Ub is a boom town on the frontier of global mining .
Even if they 've been in ub for years , their mentality is still nomadic .
