Propping is similar to tunnelling , and means that unviable units get financial support from sister companies .
The planners had contemplated tunnelling in-or , at least , the possibility that bin laden might tunnel out .
Safety is always the first consideration in tunnelling and speed of advance is the second .
Though tunnelling , incidentally , is not without environmental costs , particularly for the spots close to where the trains come out .
A number of groups of academics and engineers , for example , are pondering how to make transistors in which quantum tunnelling is a feature rather than a bug .
Stm now on radiothe scanning tunnelling microscope ( stm ) is one of the most useful tools in nanoscience .
There are no assurances that the northern part of the route , which will not be finalised until 2014 , will see equivalent lengths of tunnelling .
Too few atoms can cause their insulation to break down , or allow current to leak to places it is not supposed to be because of a phenomenon called quantum tunnelling , in which electrons vanish spontaneously and reappear elsewhere .
The tunnelling effect of physical chemistry is utilized to amplify the energy delivered to the harmonious plasma cloud while shielding matter surrounding the intended path of incision from potential radiation exposure .
They include the stream of consciousness , the tunnelling process , the moments of being , the montage technique , echoes of shakespeare 's lines and symbolism .