
n.一货车的容量( truckload的名词复数 )
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- In both cases , as truckloads or planeloads of cash meant to pay policemen dwindled on their way from the capital cities to the provinces , so did the chances for lawful governance .
- 在这两个地方,卡车或飞机满载的、用以给警察发薪的现钞,在从首都到各省的半路上就会缩水,依法治理的机会也一样渺茫。
- Truckloads of soldiers poured into moscow earlier in the day as the kremlin grew concerned that anger at sunday 's flawed parliamentary elections could be fuelling growing support for the opposition .
- 今天早些时候大批士兵乘卡车开入莫斯科,目前克里姆林宫开始担忧,对于周日议会选举舞弊的愤怒,可能会帮助扩大反对派的支持面。
- On aug. 12 , two truckloads of us corn set off from lusaka to shangombo .
- 8月12日,两辆满载美国玉米的卡车从卢萨卡出发,驶往shangombo。
- Weights of entire truckloads are first determined .
- 先测定整个装材卡车的重量。
- Truckloads of tomatoes are dumped in each year and dumped in the city centre .
- 每年,一卡车一卡车的西红柿都会被运送并倾倒到市中心。
- Twelve truckloads of candy , yogurt and other dairy-based goods were burned in indonesia 's capital , jakarta , just this week .
- 就在本周12货车的糖果、酸奶和其他以牛奶为原料的商品在印度尼西亚首都雅加达被销毁。
- It would establish a mechanism for the government to channel truckloads of money to tepco , which the firm would then pass on to the victims .
- 该议案将建立一种机制,即政府把钱流入东京电力公司,再由公司分发给受害者。
- The first truckloads of cut glass arrived at foxconn city in the dead of night , according to the former apple executive .
- 据这位前高管描述,第一辆满载切割玻璃的卡车在深夜抵达富士康城。
- If london starts to run out , the price of trees will rise and someone will soon have a few truckloads travelling over from cardiff or birmingham .
- 如果伦敦的圣诞树开始售罄,那么价格就会上涨,一些人就会用卡车从加的夫或伯明翰运来圣诞树。
- When ms. salik and the ministry of women 's affairs took over three years ago , " we hauled 45 truckloads of trash out . "
- 三年前,当这片土地由salik女士和女性事务部接管时,她们从中清理了45大卡车的垃圾出来。