
n.惹是生非者,捣乱者( troublemaker的名词复数 )
troublemakers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Troublemakers can disrupt orderly protests . Blockades of factories and university campuses are common .
- 捣乱分子能把原本规矩的抗议活动变得混乱,把工厂和学校封锁起来对他们来说是家常便饭。
- Authorities keep a close eye on online troublemakers , but rely on internet companies to fence and supervise their own playgrounds .
- 当局虽然密切关注着网络上的麻烦制造者,但还是依靠互联网公司在自己的服务平台上限制和监视用户。
- The security forces say they will flush out all the troublemakers .
- 保安人员说他们一定把所有捣乱分子清出来。
- At first I thought he was joking , but he explained that clever people tend to be troublemakers in large businesses .
- 最初我认为他在开玩笑,但他解释道,在大公司里聪明人往往是麻烦制造者。
- However , microsoft 's browser is so vulnerable to attacks by online crooks and various troublemakers that the american and german governments have recommended that users consider alternatives .
- 然而,microsoft的浏览器太容易受到在线骗子们和形形色色的捣乱者的攻击,以致于美国和德国政府都已经建议用户考虑一下其他产品。
- The second misses the point : at home , you know which neighbourhoods are rough and who the troublemakers might be .
- 第二个没有抓住要点:在国内,你知道哪个街区比较混乱、哪些人可能会闹事。
- The shower posse is said to be paying troublemakers over $ 1000 a day to create diversions to distract the police .
- 据说,“暴风雨武装队”向肇事者每天会支付1000美元来制造出乱子以吸引警察的注意。
- We got a list of the usual troublemakers .
- 我们有一份名单是经常惹事的人。
- Troublemakers can disrupt orderly protests .
- 造事者能够打破有序的抗议活动。
- Do you like these troublemakers ?
- 你喜欢这群讨厌鬼?