
n.拖网渔船( trawler的名词复数 );拖网捕鱼者,拖网渔民
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- Huge floating factories processed and froze catches brought in by teams of trawlers .
- 巨大的海上浮动工厂加工并冷冻由拖网船队捕获的海产。
- While the clusters of glass fibers are enclosed in protective material , they remain vulnerable to undersea earthquakes , fishing trawlers and ship anchors .
- 这些玻璃纤维束被裹在防护材料中,但它们仍易受到海底地震、拖捞渔船和船锚的破坏。
- The spanish newspaper el pais reported today that several spanish trawlers working near the seychelles were employing former british soldiers as armed guards .
- 今天,西班牙报刊《elpais》报道说,几艘在塞舌尔群岛附近工作的西班牙拖网渔船已经雇佣了退役英军士兵作武装保镖。
- Angolan fisheries authorities , says the report , have had their boats rammed and sunk by illegal trawlers , whilst other pirates have hurled buckets of boiling water on boarding parties .
- 该报告说,安哥拉渔业当局的一些船只曾被非法渔船撞沉,而其他一些掠夺式捕捞者曾向登船的核查人员投掷盛满沸水的水桶。
- A new fisheries law passed by parliament forbids foreign trawlers to operate in the country 's eez .
- 加纳国会近日通过了一个禁止外国拖捞船在其专属经济区内作业的新渔业法。
- And trawlers are banned from fishing for 45 days in coastal waters every year .
- 和拖网鱼船每年禁止在近海捕鱼45天。
- There are about 25 trawlers based in the area .
- 该地区大约有25艘拖网渔船。
- The two captains were sent back to their trawlers by japan coast guard at around 4:30 p.m.
- 两名船长于下午四点半左右被日本海岸警卫队送回其拖网渔船。
- Dozens of factory trawlers plied the deep waters , and dealers shipped frozen blocks and fillets of the fish around the globe .
- 数十艘加工拖网船在深海卖力捕鱼,商人把冷冻鱼块和鱼片运送到全球各地。
- The hardship of their job earns them some public sympathy , though life on today 's trawlers , high-tech vessels fitted out with all mod cons , is very different from that on the boats of a few decades ago .
- 他们工作的辛苦赢得了一些公众的同情,虽然生活在今天的拖船上与在几十年前的鱼艇上有很大的变化,因为高科技的渔船配备了全部现代化生活设施。